Composite Oracle - Fibers - Torayca M46J 12K
      Designation for fiber 52  Torayca M46J 12K
      Fiber Type  PAN Carbon fiber
      Modulus of Elasticity  436000 MPa
      Density  1,84 g/cm3
      Tensile Strength  4210 MPa
      Elongation at Break  1 %
      Linear Density (tex)  445 g/km
      No of filaments  12 K
      Thermal Expansion  0 x10-61/K
      Sizing  0 %
      Filament diameter  5,06565 µm
      Specific heat  0 J/kgK
      Thermal conductivity  0 W/(Kxm)
      Electric resistance  0 Ohm cm
      Poissons Ratio  0,157 []
      Width  2,199 mm
 Properties, which are printed in red, are estimated by Composite Oracle 
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